The secrets of writing a beautiful, well developed book is not far fetched. It is just a stone throw from where we are. The big ultimate question a writer should ask his or herself when thinking of starting a new book is 'What Is This All About?'

*What is the inspiration? What is the drive? 

*What is the book going to center on? Is it just to enlighten my readers or to educate them? Or even both.

*What are my characters going to be like? How are they supposed to inter relate with themselves?

*What and what must happen in the book?

*Is the plot of the book engaging?

These are one of the too many questions we ask ourselves. Today, I'll be talking on character development. Many of us are having issues with characters and characterization.

Make Your Characters As Real As Possible:

The characters should be relatable. They must not be perfect because in reality man is not perfect. They should have their flaws. At times we keep down some books because of how boring they are. When we keep reading about the rich, perfect guy or something like that we get tired because it gets to a point that you wonder if the author thinks that you the reader is senseless. That book that you don't like reading, never make the mistake of repeating the mistakes the author had made that you didn't like while writing yours. Readers are better writers.

Make Your Characters As Unique As Ever:

We should try to write books with characters that have unique attitudes. Many of us must have read a book that blew you up to the moon and back to earth. You would exclaim, 'I can't believe she did this!'

Sometimes the unexpected is what the story needs. Although, the unexpected has to be something realistic not one that will make your reader shut the book and regret ever reading it at all.

We should ask ourselves, Why does my character have this sort of goal and what must be done to have it achieved? What are the obstacles and how must it be overcomed?

Create Realistic Characters With Believable Descriptions:

The characters must have realistic flaws and weakness as well as strength. Don't make the reader look like a fool! We can do the best in this by asking yourself what the character should be aged, the body structure, the manner in which he speaks and relate with others and then the temperament.

Build A Character Profile

Write about the character of your choosing by answering questions like:

1. Who is the character in the book? A main or supporting character?

2. Resident and Nationality of the character

3. Nature of the character? Strong willed or not, Crazy or reserved, Social or antisocial

4. What is the character's past all about? Dirty or pleasant?

5. Secret desires and hobbies of the character

6. The dreams, lifestyle and day to day routine of that character.


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