Writers are braniacs. Believe it or not, we burn with the stars. Our beauty may not be seen now but later we must be acknowledged. Remember, stars only shine in the blackness of darkness. But then, even though we are 'stars', we can be prone to little mistakes.

I'll be drawing our attention to those things and then give us tips of overcoming them and emerging victorious. 


One of the most commonly used quote is, 'Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover'. Many of us are very quick to defend ourselves with this quote because we don't want to feel too bad about our work. 

To be honest with ourselves, 90% of the books we buy or add to our library while reading online, are all because of how captivating the book looks. Even some boring stories can be hooded with those nice covers.

Like I said, 'nice' covers not 'too fancy' ones. Many of us take things too very extreme. We end up giving our books a magazine cover instead of the intended.

The Blurb: A great weapon

Many of us overlook this aspect but it is really important. We should make good blurbs. Mistakes many of us make when making the blurb is giving the whole real gist there. No! The blurb is just a kind of sneak peek into the story. It is like a window into a room. We know what the book looks like through the blurb.

But then the blurb should be short and straight to the point. Is the book romance with a love triangle? Tell us a bit about what we should expect not telling us about the entire story of their lives.

Blurbs can be a turn off or turn on for books. It can make or mar your book.

Prologues Or First Chapters: First Impressions

You know what they say of first impressions? It goes a long way in speaking for someone or something. And then we it's bad, it's synonymous to a stain on the white shirt that can not be removed.

When a reader opens your book and sees the beginning word, phrase or quote as a boring one, the reader might sigh and drop it for another day. Not all readers are enduring. The book may be very okay but the starting paragraph may be very sickening.

If the first chapter or the prologue is a mess, the reader will summarize the book as a mess. And nobody wants to be tangled up in a mess.

Literary Devices: A Big Stepping Stone

It attracts readers like magnets. The author might use this or that figure of speech and the reader will be like 'Woah, never heard this in such a manner before.' It makes the readers think that you are really a pro when you might actually be a beginner. 

It makes the book more quality because it is educative. The reader are made to be familiar with their figures of speech.

They are terms writers use to add meaning and create more compelling stories for their readers. They are like the spice. The chicken soup for the soul.

Did Descriptions Ever Cross Your Mind?

That's it. We all rush the story and then keep the book open to reader without being refined. Most books with little or no good decriptions are raw!

It's bitter right? That's because it's the truth.

Descriptions are really helpful for the readers for quick imaginations. When you write 'A young woman entered into the office and confronted the calm looking manager', It's so plain.

That sentence can be rephrased into, 'A young looking average heighted woman barged into the warm coloured office in a peach coloured causal dress and confronted the bald headed middle aged manager while shooting lasers out of her eyes.'

It really helps the readers to visulaize. The readers now begin to wonder why the young woman was confronting the middle aged manager. They would place themselves in the scene.

Author & Reader Relationship: I Bet It Goes A Long Way

So many authours are being cold to their readers. When a reader comments on your book, even if you are loss of words, you try to reply that comment or inbox as polite as possible.

Even if you are introverted or anti social, we can still try to adapt. Besides, that's why we are writing. To tell it all out to the world. To tell the world all those of our thoughts that we could say directly to them. So when those reader, especially the good ones, send a message, we should please reply as quick and polite as possible.

Thanks For Sticking With Me All The Way,

It's still the Prevail_mc


  1. I've learnt from this. I think I need to work on a lot of things. Thank youuu.

  2. Such a helpful post. Keep it up! ✨


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