
Interview With Yauthor (Yewande Joseph )

 An interview with Yewande Joseph , a renowned wattpad author, as regards the publishing of her YA book- My Days At Crown High School. 1. What was your aim with My Days At Crown High School. What message did you want to pass across?  To be sincere, I just wanted to write a love story. I had just finished reading a high school love story and I just wanted to write something as beautiful as that. But I guess I shook myself in the leg as I became very ambitious with the book. I have always been a girl who loves to talk about morals. Even before I started writing on Wattpad, I wrote motivational writeups and wrote about what breaks my heart and what I think people should know about. And that was when I knew that book couldn't be an ordinary love story. I am not the writer who is straightforward with my book titles, but I was able to pass across many lessons, and if you wake me up in my sleep, I can happily remember them and discuss them. 2. What inspired the creation of your characters

Interview With May__hem (MaryAnn Igwe)

 An interview with  MaryAnn Igwe , wattpad author of  One Rocky Term  and Ekila as regards her debut YA book. 1. How did the idea of One Rocky Term come about? Well, it was more of a forced inspiration in a way. When I first joined Wattpad, I wanted to stay on the low and just read books. Then one day I got a follower (and because I didn't really know how things worked back then) I kinda felt obligated to write a story. So I started racking my brain. I came up with the idea after a while and it flowed naturally from there. 2. What inspired the creation of your characters? Most of my characters were inspired by people I met in real life. 3. What was your aim with  One Rocky Term?  What message did you want to pass across? Initially, it should have been about finding a voice because I felt like I tolerated a lot of things at a point that I shouldn't have. Eventually, well I don't know. It's been a while since I rewrote the story. 4 . How did you find the balance between d


Writers are braniacs. Believe it or not, we burn with the stars. Our beauty may not be seen now but later we must be acknowledged. Remember, stars only shine in the blackness of darkness. But then, even though we are 'stars', we can be prone to little mistakes. I'll be drawing our attention to those things and then give us tips of overcoming them and emerging victorious.  It Really Matters: OUR PAPERBACKS/BOOK COVERS One of the most commonly used quote is, 'Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover'. Many of us are very quick to defend ourselves with this quote because we don't want to feel too bad about our work.  To be honest with ourselves, 90% of the books we buy or add to our library while reading online, are all because of how captivating the book looks. Even some boring stories can be hooded with those nice covers. Like I said, ' nice ' covers not ' too fancy ' ones. Many of us take things too very extreme. We end up giving our books a maga


The secrets of writing a beautiful, well developed book is not far fetched. It is just a stone throw from where we are. The big ultimate question a writer should ask his or herself when thinking of starting a new book is ' What Is This All About?' * What is the inspiration? What is the drive?  *What is the book going to center on? Is it just to enlighten my readers or to educate them? Or even both. *What are my characters going to be like? How are they supposed to inter relate with themselves? *What and what must happen in the book? *Is the plot of the book engaging? These are one of the too many questions we ask ourselves. Today, I'll be talking on character development. Many of us are having issues with characters and characterization. Make Your Characters As Real As Possible: The characters should be relatable. They must not be perfect because in reality man is not perfect. They should have their flaws. At times we keep down some books because of how boring they are. Whe